2024-25 Spine Conference Schedule
Spine Biomechanics
Spine Biomechanics presented by Amber Price, MD on April 10, 2023. Part of the San Diego Spine Foundation Fellowship Series.
Complications: Proximal Junctional Kyphosis
Complications: Deformity – Proximal Junctional Kyphosis presenter by Cameron Shirazi, MD on April 3, 2023. A part of the San Diego Spine Fellowship Conference series.
Metabolic Bone Disease
Metabolic Bone Disease: Diagnosis, Management, and the Spine Surgeon Role presented by Brandon Carlson, MD, MPH on March 27, 2023. Presented as part of the San Diego Spine Fellowship Conference Series.
Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy
Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy presented by Amber Price, MD on March 20, 2023. Part of the San Diego Spine Foundation Fellowship Lecture series
Complications: Pseudarthrosis
Complications: Pseudarthrosis presented by by Mat Bowers, MD on March 13, 2023. Part of the San Diego Spine Foundation Fellowship Lecture series.
Complications Surgical Site Infection
Complications: Management of Surgical Site Infection presented by Cameron Shirazi, MD on March 6, 2023. Part of the San Diego Spine Foundation Fellowship Lecture series.
Spinal Fluid Leak Management
Spinal Fluid Leak Management presented by Hani Malone, MD on February 13, 2023. Part of the San Diego Spine Foundation Fellowship Lecture Series.
Intraoperative Neurophysiologic Monitoring Feb 2023
Intraoperative Neurophysiologic Monitoring of the Spine presented by Amber Price, MD on February 6, 2023. Part of the San Diego Spine Foundation Fellowship Lecture Series.
Cervical Disc Arthroplasty Tokumoto
Indications: Cervical Disc Arthroplasty presented by Hiroto Tokumoto, MD on January 30, 2023. Part of the San Diego Spine Fellowship Lecture Series.
Early Onset Scoliosis :BA Akbarnia
Early Onset Scoliosis: Where have we been and where we are going? presented by Behrooz A. Akbarnia, MD on January 23, 2023. Part of the San Diego Spine Fellowship Lecture Series.
Metastatic Spine Disease Classification
Metastatic Spine Disease Classification presented by Matthew Henriques, MD on January 16, 2023. Part of the San Diego Spine Fellowship Lecture Series.
AIS Technique : GM Mundis, Jr., MD
AIS Technique presented by Gregory M. Mundis, Jr., MD on January 9, 2023. Part of the San Diego Spine Fellowship Lecture Series.
Adult Spinal Deformity Classification
Adult Spinal Deformity Classification presented by Cameron Shirazi, MD on December 19, 2022. Part of the San Diego Spine Foundation Fellowship Lecture Series.
Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol: Spines of the Past, Present, and Future presented by Jay Kumar, MD on December 12, 2022. Part of the San Diego Spine Foundation Fellowship series.
AIS Classification
AIS Classification presented by Amber Price, MD on December 5, 2022. Part of the San Diego Spine Foundation Fellowship Lecture Series.
Lateral Corpectomy Technique
Lateral Corpectomy Technique presented by Donald J. Blaskiewicz, MD on November 28, 2022. Part of the San Diego Spine Foundation Fellowship Lecture Series.
Pelvic Fixation and SI Fusion
Pelvic Fixation and SI Fusion presented by Robert K. Eastlack, MD on November 14, 2022. Part of the San Diego Spine Foundation Fellowship Lecture Series.
Open Pedicle Screw Placement GM
Open Pedicle Screw Placement presented by Gregory M. Mundis, Jr., MD on November 7, 2022 : Part of the San Diego Spine Fellowship Lecture Series
Occipitocervical Trauma
Occipitocervical Trauma presented by Cameron Shirazi, MD on October 31, 2022 : Part of the San Diego Spine Fellowship Lecture Series